Smart POIs: a new way to interact and live in smart cities

Smart city/environment track
14 Jul 2017

Smart POIs: a new way to interact and live in smart cities

Smart POIs are strategic areas of interest, consisting of a set of Smart Spots (the specific point of connection) that send a URL and create a physical space of information where everyone approaching can collaborate through a smart phone. Therefore, Smart POIs connect physical objects or places with the smart phone to offer an interactive and multimedia experience. This technology allows to directly open a responsive Web App that contains information designed to answer a specific topic, including text, videos, images and any multimedia material.

The devices work by proximity (20 meters) both outdoors and indoors. The solution is ready for outdoor environments with an enclosure resistant to inclement weather. Exterior enclosures look and feel offer a discreet and elegant design that matches the environment using natural materials. In addition, Smart Spots are followed by an identifying sign and a series of simple instructions to guide the user, in order to guarantee that they are able to enjoy the experience.

Smart POIs have a multitude of possibilities for the tourism industry, such as filling the information gaps existing in the cities, and connecting the consumer with services and products related to the sector, proximity marketing, geographic targeting, and content broadcasting. Smart POIs technology is a disruptive innovation in the tourism sector that will facilitate and enhance the experience of visitors and citizens.